Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Weigh In

In my last post I was so worried that I wouldnt be able to stay within my daily points and not use ANY bonus points (since I didnt have any left). Well, I did it! I stayed within my points for 2 days and when I pulled up here I felt really good.Staying in my points and tracking paid off. I lost 1.6 pounds!! Yay me!
This week I will continue to track my points and I will also kick up my exercise so hopefully next week I can have a loss as well. I also wanted to thank you all for your encouraging words!


  1. Way to go, Krista!! I wish I could lose that much in a week!

  2. That is fantastic.....not seeing great results on the new WW program so this is awesome!!!!

  3. Excellent job! Let us know how the WW works for you, please?
